Saturday, January 06, 2007

سأظل دوما احبكم...

photo by me..
احساس غريب انتابني ... بحثت عن مصدره ... مكانه.... التفت حولي...يمنة و يسره.... نظرت الى الباب ....ثم النافذة .. اعتقدته هواءا باردا ... لكن للاسف لم يكن..

..ضممت يداي حول جسدي..سحبت اقرب غطاء حولي ....علني ادفيئ نفسي به....سألتها ... ما هذا الشعور!!.....غريبٌ مصدره....لم اجد جوابا .....نظرت الى الساعة و اذ بعقاربها تتجه ل 12 :00 صباحا واذ بي لاشعوريا اوجه عيناي التي انهكهما التعب و السهر الى رزنامة وضعتها منذ عام مضى على طاولة قرب سريري....

يا الهي......اين كنت طوال هذا الوقت؟؟....لا ليس حلما...انه واقع .....ماذا دهاني ......مضت سنة كاملة...وها انا ذا استقبل عاما جديدا ..اليوم و بعد ان دقت عقارب الساعة 12:00...اصبحت في 2007 ....

لقد ايقظني هذا الشعور الزائر ....ونبهني الى مرور الوقت بأشهره و ساعاته...جعلني احاسب نفسي .... ما الذي فعلته و ماالذي لم افعله....هل حققت مرادي ام ليس بعد!!...هل نضجت الفتاة الصغيرة الشقية... ام لازالت هي نفسها المدللة ا !!..من فقدت !! من احببت! من كسبت كصديق!! من ودعت كحبيب !! ...

الى كل من احببته ....مع بداية سنة جديده وحلول صفحة بيضاء....طوينا قبلها صفحة كانت مليئة بأحداث ....مهما كانت هذه الاحداث...الى كل من شاركني يومي ووقتي ...بأفراحه و احزانه.... الى كل من مسح دمعة ذرفت على وجنتي..الى كل من رسم ضحكة على شفتي... .... احبكم ...و سأظل دوما احبكم.... منكم من غير حياتي... نصحني....وعظني.....ومنكم من احسسني بي....كأنسانة..ابنة...صديقة...اخت .....و منكم من جرحني بقصد و من دون قصد... اسامحكم ... ….

اخيرا و ليس أخرا .....ان احلى ما في هذا الكون العظيم...قلب صافي ...يحبك فيبحث عنك..يفتقدك فيسأل عليك.... يشتاقلك فيدعو لك ...تشغله الدنيا فيذكرك....

كلمة ينبض بها قلبي...... احبكم ...و سأظل دوما احبكم...

Friday, December 29, 2006


taken by me :)
A new year of your life is coming…. Have you thought of what u wanna do… not to do …. What have u done…. Did not do yet….what to change…what to keep….... quit …not to quit….. were there any happy times….. or bad\ sad ones ….have u met the " one" who u were looking & digging for….. or maybe u have lost him\her for any reason ……have u achieved ur goals…… or not yet……

Well…. If I am going to mention the things u have to compare between,,,, I would not finish till tomorrow …..

i will start talking about my self….. this year was the "unique-est" & "the un- usual-est" ( if I am allowed to call it that way) year of my whole life…. In other word, I have never been through things which happened to me this year and existed in my previous years…. I know I am only 20years old and not 50 or 60….yet I feel like it has been centuries …….

Let me mention almost every thing happened this year :

1. I went to AL- HAJ ( so u can call me 7jiah ;p)
2. for the first time , I have wrote in a piece of paper what my goals are… and what I want to achieve in 2006.
3. my relation ship with my sister became more stronger than before….
4. i had an idea which I needed some one to support me to do it,,, and finally I did it ….which is to work and to be independence…..
5.i have been awarded for the third time by Kuwait University for being on the Dean's list ……means Tfwg J
6- I have discovered and developed my hobby which is Photography.
7- based on (6) I have joined the KU art gallery and I posted 3 of my best photos….guess what !! i won and ,,, or u know what …check this link and u will know every thing J
The link:

8- I have celebrated my Birthday Party this year surrounded by people who I have always wished to get them together in one place…….
9- I have created a blog J and joined a photography site for my photos…. Which is something I have never thought of..
10- I have changed my bedroom , and decorated it as the way I wanted ,,,, of course after having zillion times fighting with my mom, coz she never likes my taste in choosing colors, furniture …ect…..( I am unique ;p)
11- In my whole life I have never lost a thing ......but this year i lost I things \ people that turned my life into hell ( literally )

12. I lost my babe , which made me miserable, depressed and sad all the time L my babe is my CANON CAMERA L....

13. what happened in # 12 I could live with it,,,,, coz it is a camera and I bought a new one ….. however losing a person - who u loved and still love from the bottom of ur heart, miss him when he is not around , used to be with him everyday , some one who u can not imagine ur life with out him, never thought of that moment,-…but in a sudden u open ur eyes and he is not there !!! it is really harsh, tough and hard to bear..….. what I am talking about is point # 13 , I lost him in a sec….. it has been 3 months and a half, and I still cannot believe it….. every time i see things which remind me of him , I convince my self that he will be back again…yet , I am just misleading my self, force my self to be blind and not to be shocked with the truth ….means I am living in illusion….. coz I can not face the bitter reality….

14- # 14 is my cure, my savior, my true friend, who I have just met….. who understood me from the moment we talked……I have always believed that " Allah takes someone\ something from you, but in the same time he gives u another one\ thing". In this week I truly believe it…." Y" is a friend I met in college, then in blogger, then in MSN, "Y" is the kind of persons who truly advises, guides, helps u, for no price….the kind of persons who never " yjaml or ylf o ydor" to avoid telling u the truth…… I really thank Allah for giving me the chance to know you "Y"…… and I wish that this kind of friendship will be forever……

15. I got new car , mobile, laptop, camera..

16. I had my first 2 car accidents, since I had my license , means 3 yrs ago. And it was other parts' fault: (
17. I changed the way I wear my clothes, the way I put my make up….c0ol
18. Also, I have knew you guys , I enjoy being with you through blogger , love ur comments, love ur posts …..

Indeed. I wish you a very happy new year….. o 3idkm mbark…..

Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy New Year .....

the photo taken by me ...

"I can not believe that the year will pass, and you will not be around me, to congratulat , or wish me a happy year ....
Yet, i wish you all the best in your life.... and a very happy new year:....

Sunday, December 17, 2006


the photo taken by me ..

It takes only a minute 2 get a crush on someone, an hour 2 like someone, and a day 2 love someone, but it takes a lifetime 2 forget someone!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

الاجنحه المتكسرة

the photo taken by me:)

ببسمة تملأ ثغري.........
ابدأي يومي
لا ابتسم لانه يوم جديد
لا ...بل لانك بقربي..
بقربي, ترعاني ... تحميني .... تسعدني
طالما انت حولي ... فاني لا ابحث عن السعاده
لانها تاتيني راكضة
تشرق بها ايامي و ساعاتي
حبيبي ويا حلمي الجميل .......... كن بقربي .....ولاتفكر بالرحيل
لا اريد ان استيقظ لاجدك قد رحلت .....
لتتركني " كالاجنحه المتكسره " ....وحيده مع غصات اليمة

Saturday, December 09, 2006


thanx to my friend 'dodo', for letting me takeing her pic ;*
وحشتني سواليفك ووحشة شوفتك اكثر
كل ليلة مع طيفك
حبيب الروح انا اتحسر
طاير من عيوني النوم
على ذا الحال انا كل يوم
سمعني حبيبي صوتك
سيرني على كيفك

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

talented , me ;p

* dr. faiz alkandri+ dr.ahmed dshti+ other photographers , looking at my pics :)

u remember my last post about the gallery,,,,,, well,,, today's post is the second part :)

the opening was at 10 am ..... deans , prof, photographers from ( bait lothan) have been there ...

was so crowded ,, yet organized ...

that day ( 26\nov\2006) was one of the greatest ,,, happiest and full of surprieses day.....

i got and heard 3 unbelieveable news:

1) the faculty asked me to take pictures of ( old kuwait , like old buildings, al-boom, museums...) so they can make copies of them and put them in all faculties :)

2) i have been chosen to be among the group who will travel to FRANCE ( PARIS).. to show their photos ..yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

3) because of my talent ( photography), and since i havenot taken any classes in photography .. Bait Lothan , by Mr. Baha2 aldeen,, offered me a half-price course in photography,,,,

it has been 3 days ,, and i still cannot believe what happened,,, they shocked me ( in a good way) ,,,, but because Kuwait tv... and AL-rai tv were there... i controlled my self,,, and as soon as they turned off the cameras i jumped ,, screamed , hugged my friends,,,,

what a feeling ;p

just wanted to share u my happiness ...... wish u all the best :*

** i would like to thank ANTIHERO for passing by,,, and saying hi ,,,,,thanx hun,,,, was so happy to see u there :)